
捐赠星期二是在感恩节后的星期二举行的全球性运动. This year it lands on Tuesday November 28th. 它鼓励全世界的人们通过回馈社区和支持慈善事业来拥抱慷慨的精神. 参与者可以向非营利组织和慈善组织捐赠金钱、时间或资源. 这一天提醒人们在节日期间要优先考虑善良和慈善的行为, 培养社区意识,对社会产生积极影响. 下面是一些当地的非营利组织,它们可能需要你在这个假期的支持.

Cradles to Crayons

-Address: 2500 W Bradley Place Unit 200 Chicago IL 60618

-Mission: 摇篮到蜡笔提供从出生到12岁的儿童, living in homeless or low-income situations, with the essential items they need to thrive – at home, at school and at play. 我们通过参与和连接社区免费提供这些项目.

-How you can help: 他们的“冬季装备计划”为那些家庭难以保暖的孩子们提供冬季装备. There are three main ways you can help this holiday season. 你可以在网上购买衣服捐赠,赠送少量使用的装备,并赞助一个服装包.

Common Pantry

Address: 3908 N Lincoln Ave

Mission: 公共食品储藏室通过提供健康食品来满足当地社区的紧急需求, 亲属关系和支持有助于克服与贫困有关的挑战.

Vision: 加强公共食品储藏室的能力,为我们的客户提供食品和服务的整体福祉. We take a strategic, 前瞻性的方法,以减少饥饿和解决贫困的根源, infusing compassion into everything we do.

How you can help: There are many way to assist Common Pantry. 你可以贡献你的时间来帮助分发食物、食物募捐和社区服务. 你也可以捐款来帮助维持公共食品储藏室的膳食和服务项目的运行.

Nourishing Hope

-Address: 1716 W. Hubbard Street

-Mission: “Food for Today.Hope for Tomorrow.”

Nourishing Hope, is a dynamic social services organization providing food, mental wellness counseling and other social services, such as job and housing assistance, to our Chicago neighbors in need. Founded in 1970, 他们努力服务于整个人的需要——带着尊重和尊严, always.

-How you can help: Whether you are able to give financially, donate food or household items or volunteer your time, we take your generosity seriously. 那些向“滋养希望”捐款的人可以放心,各种各样的捐款将直接惠及最需要帮助的邻居.

Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club

-Address: 2501 West Irving Park Rd.

-Mission: ​增进社员的福祉及发展社员的潜能, their families, and the community

-How you can help: “Giving Tuesday Campaign” 您捐献的每一美元都将直接用于增强和提升我们社区的项目. And the best part? Thanks to a group of anonymous donors, your donation will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $30,000! This means your generosity will have twice the impact!

Strength to Love Foundation

-Address: 2136 West Belmont Ave

-Mission: 他们热切地相信,所有人都享有普遍的自由权利, food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, education and work.

At the Strength to Love Foundation Asthma & Allergy Free Clinic, they provide comprehensive, longitudinal, sub-specialty care in the field of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology at no charge to their patients. They care for patients of all ages, children and adults. If needed, we will provide transportation to our clinic.

-How you can help: 你可以通过资助他们提供的不同服务来帮助“爱的力量”. 一些捐赠机会包括他们的交通基金, Antibiotic Stewardship Program, and Immunotherapy Program for those in need.

The Tween Esteem Project

Address: 3221 N Racine Avenue Chicago IL 60657

Mission: 青少年自尊项目帮助今天的年轻人通过艺术和真实性重拾自信. 我们通过《最全的加拿大28走势图》风格的奢华体验,让青少年爱上他们在镜子里看到的东西.

How you can help: As a nonprofit organization, 他们认为,无论支付能力如何,所有青少年都应该接触这种增强信心的艺术形式. 您的捐款将直接用于帮助青少年获得他们需要的资源,以增强他们的自我形象.

Arcus Behavioral Health & Wellness

Address: 2732 N Clark St.

Mission: 他们的使命是为保险不足或未保险的个人和家庭弥合精神卫生保健方面的差距, especially LGBTQ+, ethnic/cultural, and immigrant minorities. Their approach includes providing high-quality, 肯定lgbtq的服务,同时支付治疗费用,公平补偿我们的临床医生. 他们的目标是通过咨询促进社区精神卫生保健, psychotherapy, and education. 他们的目标是通过同样注重提高客户的福祉和生活质量以及解决病理学来减少精神卫生保健的耻辱.

How you can help: 我们认为保健是一项人权,其中包括获得高质量的精神保健. 你可以通过向他们的项目捐款来支持他们的使命,帮助我们社区周围有需要的人.

Coffee, Hip-Hop & Mental Health Cafe

Address: 1051 West Belmont Chicago

Mission: Their priority is to educate, and remove the financial, 系统和情感障碍,使芝加哥黑人社区更容易接受治疗. 因此,这个项目的目标是将个人和家庭与治疗师相匹配, free of costs to them, 代表这个组织进行的筹款活动.

How you can help: 他们目前正在为110名申请者与治疗师牵线,并为每位申请者提供20次治疗,费用为220美元,000.00 for the next five months. 他们可以利用你的支持为我们社区周围的人提供免费咨询!


Address: 3435 N. Southport Ave

Mission: At &Rise, we are on a mission to help any & all women get the support they need to succeed, 我们正在建立一个慷慨的社区,致力于志愿服务和为我们的事业捐款,这样我们就可以在全球范围内扩大我们的使命!

How you can help:

Donate- You directly to their organization or “Shop & Support” from a partner site.

Fundraise- Host a Facebook fundraiser to support their cause.

Volunteer- 利用你的时间,在不同的领域做志愿者,并产生影响.

Sponsorship- Sponsor us for an Event or become a Corporate Sponsor.


Address: 1224 W. Belmont Ave

Mission: 治疗研究所致力于通过治疗训练建立强大的家庭和情感健康的儿童和成人, treatment, advocacy, and research. 治疗游戏是为任何专业工作人员开发的,以支持健康的儿童/照顾者依恋. 长期以来,人们一直认为,孩子与生命中重要的成年人之间的强烈依恋是终身良好心理健康的基础,也是面对逆境时恢复力的主要来源.

How you can Help: 你可以选择捐赠给Theraplay及其提供的不同服务. You can choose from the General Fund, Training and Certification Scholarship, The Theraplay Clinic Fund, and Theraplay Camp Fund.


Garfield’s holiday cocktail recipes


Holiday Venues and Happenings: